There is a lot to learn about allergy symptoms and recommended treatments. Please use the following resources to learn more about the causes of allergic reactions. When you come in for your appointment we’d be happy to answer any further questions you have.

Heading Back to School w/ Asthma & Allergies  

Allergic Rhinitis – “Hay Fever”

Allergic rhinitis is caused by inflammation and irritation of the mucus membranes of the nose, sinuses, throat, eyes, and ears. This condition is caused by the interaction of allergens (allergy causing substances) with allergy cells lining the membranes of the respiratory tract. Allergic rhinitis is a very common condition, with data suggesting it effects 20% […]

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Exercise Induced Asthma

Do you cough, have shortness of breath, chest tightness, or wheeze during or after exercise? Does exercising in cold air make your symptoms worse? If so, you could have exercise induced asthma. Asthma as a chronic condition is seen in about 16% of the population in the United States. Exercise induced asthma may even be a more […]

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Penicillin Allergy – Real or Not?

According to the CDC, up to 10% of people report a penicillin allergy. Recent studies have shown that most people who were labelled “allergic” are actually able to tolerate penicillin safely because they never were truly allergic or they lost sensitivity over time. Many never had a true allergic reaction, but a rash or hives […]

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Dust Mite Allergy

Dust mites live by the thousands in your bedding, carpet and mattress. They feed on flaked off human skin in bedding, carpet and stuffed toys and furniture. Their droppings are the size of a pollen grain. For those who are not allergic, these microscopic relatives of spiders cause no harm. For the allergy sufferer, they […]

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Allergy 101 – Test Your Spring Allergy Knowledge

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Immunotherapy Treatment/ Options  

Sinusitis – A Pain in the Head

Sinuses are part of the upper respiratory system. They are empty cavities within your cheek bones, around your eyes and behind your nose. The sinuses contain mucus, which helps to warm, moisten and filter air in your nasal cavity. When the mucus membranes that line the sinus cavities become inflamed, this is called sinusitis or […]

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Cat Allergy

Allergy to cats is extremely common, occurring in up to 25% of people with allergies. Studies have shown that the material that is responsible for causing the allergic reaction (allergen) is concentrated in cat dander and saliva. All cats produce allergens; it is identical in different breeds of cats. Cat allergen particle size allows it […]

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Summer Food Allergies: Manisha Relan, M.D.  

Asthma Action Plan  

Bee Sting Allergy

In upstate New York, bees are the most common stinging insects to produce an allergic reaction. In other parts of the U.S., fire ants are also a common stinging insect. Honeybees, wasps, yellow jacket and hornets inject venom into their victims at the site of the sting. Most people develop a mild reaction to the venom […]

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Spring Allergy Tips


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Exercising with Asthma: Thomas N. Flaim, M.D.  

Indoor Winter Allergens  

Asthma In Pregnancy

Asthma is a common medical condition that occurs in approximately 25 million Americans, and many people with asthma suffer from allergies as well. Women of child bearing age, who are pregnant or may become pregnant, need special consideration in treating asthma and allergies. The treatment plan needs to consider the medical condition of the patient, while reducing the […]

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Hives and Angioedema

Hives and Angioedema Hives can be a very distressing form of allergic reaction. A hive is an area of swollen skin (wheal) surrounded by red skin (flare). They often are itchy. A single hive can last just a few minutes or for days. Hives can occur as a single episode or recur for years. The same kind […]

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Food Allergy Bullying

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Mold Allergy

Studies indicate that mold allergy is an important cause of allergic symptoms. Molds are a form of living plant life, which are widely distributed. Hundreds of varieties exist and some of these are common causes of allergic reactions. In temperate climates, molds are the most abundant natural particles in outdoor air. Relative humidity over 40% enhance mold […]

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Pollen Allergy

Airborne pollen grains are a major trigger of many allergic symptoms. Pollen grains are reproductive structures of seed bearing plants. Most pollens of allergic importance are wind-borne and too small to be seen by the naked eye. If the pollen is easily seen, it is usually too large as well as too heavy to be […]

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Safe Trick-or-Treating Tips: Halloween 2017

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